A Backyard Hike

About two months ago I wrote a blog about Bukit Lanjan. Although these days Bukit Kiara is open again, I still hike regularly in my “backyard”. A group of active hikers living in Damansara Perdana is maintaining the trails and exploring new ones. One of their recent discoveries is a rocky outcrop, from where you have a nice view of the surroundings. It is becoming popular now, a nice place to relax and have a coffee or a beer. Aptly named the Hard Rock Café. The red track in the GE screenshot below is a short and interesting route to the Hard Rock.

Yesterday I went again, with my friend Bee. We started from my condo and met a group of Armanee Condo parents with their kids, also going for a hike. Good initiative, in Dutch we have an expression: Jong geleerd is oud gedaan. (Google for a translation)

We started with the pink trail (see map). Last week I had noticed that parts of it were almost overgrown. I had mentioned it in the chat group and the trailblazers replied that they would take care of it. They did, here is the amazing result. Left the situation one week ago.

I like the pink trail, the few steep parts are provided with ropes.

On the rocky outcrop we met the parents and their kids again. Really nice!

A tarp is under construction for shelter in case of rain. I noticed some nice flowers

When I visited the Hard Rock two weeks ago with my friend Rahim, he constructed a nice rock cairn. They are not meant for eternity, rain or strong wind can make them collapse. One week later, a new smaller one had been created, and this time nothing was left.

Here Bee is creating a new one.

And here is the result. Mother and child. When I visited a waterfall , I always left a cairn. Here is a blog about it: Rock Balancing.

After the Hard Rock Café we did not yet go back, but continued to the maroon traill (see map). A hiker friend had spotted hanging bird nests along the trail at two locations. It was no problem to find them.

These nests have been created by Baya Weaver birds. Fascinating. The nests were not used at the moment.

The maroon trail is longer with many steep parts.. A disadvantage is that part of it runs quite close to the highway, therefore very noisy. Ropes are helpful and we found numerous ginger flowers this time.

We also found a nice jackfruit tree.. Bee spotted more fruits high up in the tree

The second location of weaver nests had only one nest, high up in a tree. To get back home we got lost for a while, finally we found the trail, completely overgrown..

We finished our hike at the Datuk Shrine next to Perdana View condo. For reasons unknown to me, MK Land had blocked the exit with barbed wire, but you can still pass without problems.

Total hiking distance and time 5 km. 3 hours (including many stops)

8 thoughts on “A Backyard Hike

  1. Wow. Thanks jan. Another fascinating blog.
    You are so lucky to have all this wonderfull
    Nature in you’re “ backyard”
    Love the Hard Rock Cafe. Haha.

  2. Thanks Jan. I might try this trail one of these days as I am now precluded from going to Kiara Hills as we are not allowed to travel inter-district

  3. mooie en interessante foto’s. Wat ‘grappig’, die hangende nesten!!
    Hebben jullie geen problemen met de ‘corona’? Ik zie maar weinig maskers.
    Dank voor je reportage. Het ziet ernaar uit, dat je gezellige groepjes om je heen kunt verzamelen, die graag met je op pad gaan en dan ook de mooie natuur van dat land ingaan. En zo dichtbij je huis…..!!

    • We hebben op dit moment grotere corona problemen dan in Nederland. Terwijk hier iedereen mondkapjes draagt op straat, in winkels etc. Maar in de vrije natuur doet men ze af, omdat daar de kans op besmetting klein is. Dat de families met hun kinderen op de rots even poseren voor een foto, geeft geen goed beeld 😉

  4. That’s the difference between KL and Bangkok. In KL you have a forest in your backyard. In Bangkok it’s a 2-hour drive to the nearest thick greenery. See you after Covid.

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